The Sustainable Happiness Course

It's time to stop chasing someone else's version of happiness and start practicing your own.

Inside the Sustainable Happiness course, you'll get everything you need to implement effective, science-based happiness habits into your life in as little as three weeks.

Sign up for Sustainable Happiness now!

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You want to regularly experience happiness.
  • You need to feel like all the energy you're putting into life is leading to something meaningful. 
  • You have too many things on your to-do list that don't bring you joy.
  • You've over trying to successfully balance everything but yourself.
  • You're tired of feeling overwhelmed and under-appreciated.
  • You wish there was a way to integrate simple, effective practices into your life to sustain happiness.

Good news! I help my clients with those same problems every single day. And if you're like any of them, you've probably held some of the same misconceptions about happiness. Misconceptions like...

Myth 1: Happiness is something you reach.

SPOILER ALERT: If you're chasing your happiness, you're doing it wrong. The good news? You can rest a little and stop chasing false hopes of happiness. The better news? You already have everything you need to be happy.  

Myth 2: Happiness is a trivial pursuit.

Our happiness is far from trivial. And here's why: happiness is linked to health, wealth, productivity, and strength of community to name just a few of the benefits science has proven about happiness.

Myth 3: True happiness doesn't exist outside of Disney movies.  

True happiness exists for everyone because we are all different and have different versions of happiness. Our authenticity and our purpose help define what happiness looks like for us. And only when we have defined true happiness on our terms can it exist in our lives. 

Myth 4: Some people just aren't genetically wired to be happy.

The truth? According to science, around 40% of happiness is genetic. Which leaves 60% in your control. And what's absolutely amazing about that 60% is that there are proven methods for increasing happiness, making it attainable. 

Myth 5: Money can't buy happiness.

Happiness is a practice. And as will all practices, happiness has experts who can help you become more skilled in the practice. And expertise can be bought. 


  • There was a way to build sustainable happiness habits in as little as three weeks...
  • You could finally define and achieve success on your terms...
  • You could look forward to every day knowing it had the potential to be a good one...
  • You could see that you not only deserve happiness, but you can create it...
  • You could have all of this with a simple system that enables happiness again and again...
  • All of that's possible inside the Sustainable Happiness course!

Sign up for Sustainable Happiness now!

Who is this course right for?

Happiness Chasers

You're chasing happiness on all fronts. You're working your tail off at work to impress your boss to finally get the promotion you know will lead to happiness. You're probably also currently chasing the happily ever after promised to you by both Disney and the American Dream. You want the happy family, the dream house and everything that goes with it.

Happiness DIYers

You're me ten years ago. You know the current self-care trends and try and apply them in your life. Mindfulness–check! Gratitude journal–check! You're actually pretty good at figuring happiness out for short spurts of time. The trick seems to be maintaining happiness for the long haul.

Happiness Skeptics

You aren't yet convinced that a happiness practice is something you actually need, or even have time for. After all, you're managing pretty well on your own. You're paying your bills on time, you have a close group of friends and family and you, for the most part, go to bed each day feeling like you're doing this life thing a-ok.

Basically, this course is for you if you want to be happy.

You've read all the top-selling self-help books but don't know how to implement the advice.
You've watched hours of TED Talks but are overwhelmed trying to translate science into action.
You've committed to prioritize your happiness but are overwhelmed by the conflicting strategies.
You want a straightforward system to practice sustainable happiness in as little as three weeks.

On the flip-side, this course is NOT for you if...  

You’re looking for a magic bullet.
You prefer Google to real, actionable strategies from experts.
You like the highs and lows that come with chasing instant gratification.
You’re not interested in improving your health, strengthening your relationships or growing your career.

Sign up for Sustainable Happiness now!

What's inside the Sustainable Happiness course:

Unit 1: Hello Happiness

In this unit we'll level set about happiness – what it is, what it's not and how to achieve it. I'll also introduce my scientifically-based and proprietary Sustainable Happiness Framework, which you'll learn to put into practice in this course.

Unit 1 gives you the framework you need to create a sustainable happiness practice in your life.

Unit 2: Choose Happiness

In Unit 2 we'll do a deep dive into the benefits of happiness before introducing you to The Eight Pillars of Happiness I've uncovered in my happiness research over the years. From there we will talk about building habits around The Eight Pillars. 

Unit 2 introduces you to the eight traits you need to focus on for Sustainable Happiness.

Unit 3: Practice Happiness

In Unit 3 we'll go through each of The Eight Pillars of Happiness one-by-one to 1) understand the role it plays in our overall happiness and 2) learn how to strengthen the pillar in our every day lives.

Unit 3 gives you the tools you need to effectively practice The Eight Pillars of Happiness.

Unit 4: Spread Happiness

In Unit 4 we'll cover the importance of enabling happiness for others and how spreading it helps amplify our happiness practice even further. You'll get an Activity List of actions for easily and effectively spreading happiness to others. 

Unit 4 arms you with ways to enable happiness for others while amplifying it for yourself.

Unit 5: Living Happiness

In Unit 5 we'll review putting The Eight Pillars of Happiness to work within our Sustainable Happiness Framework, equipping ourselves with the knowledge and tools needed to create truly Sustainable Happiness in our lives.

Unit 5 prepares you to effectively go forth and be happy. 

Sign up for Sustainable Happiness now!

There's more! You'll also get...

  • Proprietary Sustainable Happiness Framework ($1,500 value) for creating and enabling happiness
  • Eight Pillars of Happiness Training ($1,500 value) for practicing happiness every day
  • The S.T.O.R.Y. Method ($100 value) for building authentic confidence
  • The More T.A.C.O.S. Recipe ($100 value) for unleashing your unique creative voice
  • Purposeful Decision Making 101 ($100 value) for more intentional living 
  • The You, Too Mindset ($100 value) for building compassion for self and others
  • The Flip It Formula ($100 value) for harnessing optimism in hard times
  • Happiness-Enabling Activity List ($50 value) full of proven activities for practicing the Eight Pillars
  • Full Course Workbook ($250 value) that includes all proprietary tools and how-tos
  • Happiness habit-building Daily Journal for Sustainable Happiness ($60 value)

A total value of $3,910.00! But you can get started today for just $37, $97 or $297, depending on what YOU can afford.

Why three prices? My goal with Project More Happy is to make the pursuit of happiness accessible for all. That means I have to price it for every income bracket. The course material is valued at almost $4,000.00. But by me offering it at three levels ($37, $97 and $297), students can pay only what they can afford. Do I hope most people can afford to pay the full $297? Yes, because I have bills to pay and kids to feed, too. BUT your happiness is important to me, and I don't want you to be priced out of pursuing it!

Sign up for Sustainable Happiness now!

90-day Happiness Guarantee. Your happiness is our goal! If the Sustainable Happiness course truly does not help you find more happiness, simply email us 21 completed days from your Daily Journal for Sustainable Happiness within 90 days of purchasing, and we will issue you a full refund.

If you've read this far...

You have two options:  

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure real, meaningful happiness out on your own...

Or, finally have a proven method for creating sustainable happiness so you can live the successful, purposeful life of which you're capable.

Imagine where you could be just one month from now.

You're ready to choose happiness. 
You're ready to stop chasing it and start creating it for yourself. 
You're ready to own the power of your story. 
You're ready for a way to uncover the good in every situation. 
You're ready for a more confident, more authentic and more purposeful life. 
You're ready for Sustainable Happiness.

5 Units

Introduction to Sustainable Happiness

In this unit we'll do the foundational groundwork needed to ensure a successfully-implemented sustainable happiness practice. Yay!

Choosing Happiness

In this section we'll talk through the proven benefits of happiness and introduce The Eight Pillars of Happiness. 

Spreading Happiness

In this unit we'll be learning how to implement each of The Eight Pillars of Happiness for the benefit of our communities. 

Course Recap

We'll wrap things up with a recap of the importance of happiness in creating a better world for yourself and your community. 

Units for this offer 5
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